best profile essay ideas & samples Tue, 08 Feb 2022 07:59:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Interview Profile Essay Example Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:39:15 +0000 Read more →"Interview Profile Essay Example"

An interview profile essay is perhaps the most common type of profile essay. It contains detailed information that is collected during an interview with someone.

Before writing an interview profile essay, the wisest thing to do will be to read through at least one interview profile essay example. That way, you have a good idea of how things are done, and the right kind of profile essay interview questions you can ask.

Choosing Ideal Profile Essay Interview Questions

When it comes to choosing the right kind of profile essay interview questions, there are some things one needs to know.

  1. Questions should be constructed in such a way that the answers provided are unambiguous.
  2. The questions should follow the theme you have chosen for the writing. I.e., they must be relevant to your topic.
  3. Follow a basic-serious-simple question format. I.e., start with icebreaker questions first, then move on to serious questions, then wind off with simple questions. This will ease you and your interviewee into the process, and help your readers follow closely.
  4. Avoid questions that needle your interviewee or coerce them into answering in a particular way.

Contents of a Good Interview Profile Essay Example

Profile interview essay examples typically follow a pattern:

  1. The introduction
  2. The body (typically two to three paragraphs)
  3. The conclusion (one paragraph).

In an interview profile essay, the goal is to get as many detailed answers as possible from a person. For one to write the perfect story. It relies strictly on specific questions that guide the writer to arrive at conclusions about the interviewee.

Consider the following examples of what an interview profile essay should look like.

Sample #1

Topic: What Life After the War Feels Like


After 32 years of active service, John Tobi, a war veteran, has retired and gone back home to be with his family. However, life as a war veteran isn’t all that easy, he claims, as there are several things he needs to unlearn and relearn. In particular, he has gone on several tours in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. An interview with Tobi sheds light on some life experiences that helped shape him into the person he is today.


Paragraph 1: Driving Force

The need to serve his country played a major role in Tobi’s decision to join the army. He applied for service in the year 1975 and was drafted in the same year. He went on his first tour in the same year and claims things never remained the same after that. Although he was a family guy, Tobi was finding it difficult to call home every single day as promised, until the calls stopped altogether. He claims that that was the darkest moment of his life.

Paragraph 2: Adapting to a New Life

Although it wasn’t exactly the kind of life he wished for, Tobi threw himself almost entirely into his new life. He completely forgot about calling home and became a living breathing war machine. The reasoning behind this was that it helped him take his mind off reality that played before his eyes every single day. When asked about some of his fondest memories while serving, he had this faraway look of nostalgia laced with pain. He looked like someone who had experienced his fair share of demons and would rather forget them. However, he talked a bit about some friends he made, some he lost to the war, and some he was still in touch with.

Paragraph 3: Dealing with Grief

While many people had their different ways of dealing with grief, Tobi almost lost himself to the darkness. He would wake up from nightmares and train, no matter how late or early it was. He did this to have a purpose, to have something to do because, according to him, inactivity was his worst enemy. “If there was one regret, I had about mourning the way I did,” he said, “it would be that was too deep in my grief that I almost hurt the very people that cared about me the most -my family.” He went on to emphasize the gift of family, charging everyone to appreciate and love them while they still can.


Tobi’s experiences, good or bad, helped shape him into the man he is today. His decisions, failures, tears, etc. helped him emerge as a shining veteran to be thanked and proud of. Even though he had to get treatment for PTSD and some other psychological fitness tests, he is optimistic about having a full recovery. He appreciates his family now more than ever and calls them his “beacon of light and hope in a dark and cruel world”. He has taken up crocheting and animal farming as hobbies, claiming that they balance each other out.

Sample #2

Topic: Amber Interview

The idea that “one may be disappointed if he/she fails but one is certainly doomed by not trying at all!” was enough to inspire Amber to continue on with her academic career. After graduating from Austin High School, Amber’s dream was also to get into her dream college, just like her counterparts. But things do not always materialize as you wish and Amber had to take a different route towards her future. Amber is not only my friend but also a fellow student. Once on the way to school, I asked her about her college choice and many of her responses helped me find answers to my college choice as well.

In high school, Amber didn’t only excel in academics but also actively participated in co-curricular activities. Some of the clubs she was involved with were Student Council, Deca, English Honor Society, Spanish Club and Red Cross. She didn’t stop here but would also go to gym with me outside school. In addition, she also held a weekend job at a carwash. I was sure my highly capable and intelligent friend will attend a university but instead she chose a community college.

When I tried to find the reason behind choosing a community college over a university, Amber hesitated at first to give answer but eventually replied it was her only choice. She claimed she had high expectations of herself, and her original plan was to go to The University of Houston’s Bauer Business School. She claimed she had no doubt she would be accepted. Amber also wanted to go to The University of Houston because she enjoyed living in the City of Houston and did not want to leave. In addition, the business school has a good reputation, and it would have been a good launching pad towards a career as an accountant. Amber’s plan was to follow in the footsteps of her father who himself was an alumni of the university.

The interview made me realized I had faced the same conflict upon receiving the rejection letter from The University of Houston that Amber experienced upon receiving her rejection letter. We both failed to meet the SAT requirement of the university. The rejection was a shock for Amber because she believed SAT is not a reliable predictor of one’s potential as a student. Amber felt like she had failed herself and went through a long phase of embarrassment. As the last semester of high school was winding up and students were talking about their acceptance letters, Amber stopped responding to any college-related questions. The only people to know about the rejection letter were Amber’s parents.

Amber’s story was quite similar to mine own because I also went through similar phase of embarrassment. Like Amber, I was also afraid people would make fun of me or simply look down on me. Most of the people I knew who had applied to The University of Houston were admitted which also made me feel like a failure. The disappointing experience did motivate Amber that failure was not an option and we both chose another route towards our future.

Attending a two-year community college may not be someone’s first choice but it is the next best alternative. Until this conversation, I had looked down upon myself, thus, I am grateful to Amber for helping me accept my own failure and move on. Even though Amber felt like a failed person, she did not quit. Giving up was never an option. Amber and I plan to preserve our original dream and eventually transfer to The University of Houston together.

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How To Write a Profile Essay on a Place Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:26:48 +0000 Read more →"How To Write a Profile Essay on a Place"

Deciding on the topic to write your profile essay on is a huge leap. It means that you’re ready to take the next step and learn how to write a profile essay on a place.

Writing a profile essay on a place is quite like writing a regular descriptive essay on a place. When writing a profile essay on a place, you’re asked to provide a detailed description of a particular place. In other words, you’ll be telling your readers what it is about the place that’s worth knowing.

Whether or not you’ve visited the place in the past, you’ll be doing quite a lot of fact-finding. The facts, figures, stories, themes, etc. that you uncover will form the basis of your essay.

Whatever the case, below is a list of tips on how to write a profile essay on a place.

How to Write a Profile Essay on a Place?

When writing a profile essay on a place, understand that the goal is to portray facts and interesting aspects about the place. This means that you combine your storytelling skill with facts and figures to describe it.

Below are some steps to guide you:

1. Accuracy and Specificity

If the place has an interesting history, it’s worth mentioning. Be sure that all information you provide is verifiable and accurate. Otherwise, consider removing it altogether or attributing it to the source as a memory.

When writing your essay, if you imagine yourself as a visitor, starting won’t be difficult. See things through the eyes of a visitor or a tourist and talk about exciting aspects of your visit. Emphasize some parts that your audience can relate to and appreciate.

2. Let Your Excitement Show

As you write, intrigue your readers by showing how excited you felt as you discovered the new places. Tell the story of each location with interesting stories and facts about the place. Mention each fact briefly but with just enough details to keep your readers excited and interested. Make your descriptions as vivid as possible and carry your audience along at a healthy pace.

3. Be Truthful

If the place you’re writing about has some controversy or scandal linked to it, you can talk about it directly. Agreed, one might be tempted to avoid problematic topics and only harp on the good stuff. Don’t give in to that temptation.

Present the issue before your readers from another point of view that may have not been considered. If you refuse to address the issues, you might come off as someone who just wants to rip them off, or an untrustworthy person.

Be truthful, even with the bad stuff. How d’you think haunted houses got so famous that they attract tourists? The writers and advertisers increase the appeal of haunted places by presenting the facts upfront.

4. Where Possible, Add Pictures

One way to make sure your readers have a clearer picture of your writing is to add pictures. If you have pictures depicting historical facts you’ve talked about, add them. This will ensure that your readers will visualize properly what you’re saying.

Besides, when has a picture not drawn anyone in for a closer look at something?

5. Make Sure You Use Credible Sources

As said before, your sources have to be credible and verified by you and/ or another expert. Indeed, oral traditions and legends are the most problematic to confirm, but there are ways around those.

If you’ve come across something historical that you’d like to add but have no way of verifying, attribute it to memory. You could say something along the lines of:

“According to a local, Bert, ‘there was a large oak tree at the middle of the square when I moved here in 1991.'”

Putting it that way, your audience will get the message and trust that the information is credible since it’s coming from a local.

6. Always Credit Your Sources

I get it, you’re excited that you’ve put together this perfect profile essay on a place. You’re so excited that you forget to add or cite your sources properly. Try to avoid this mistake.

If you got information from the internet, add your sources as a footnote. If you used books and library records, cite them properly -include the titles, names, dates, etc. of everyone who contributed. Try to keep track of them.

Not only will this help you refer to them later, but it will also help your readers find the information quickly when the need arises. What’s more, citing your work makes it look more professional.

Yes, writing a profile essay about a place takes a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Choose a topic, adhere to the tips above, and let your creativity shine through paper.

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How to Write a Personal Profile Essay (12 Tips) Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:25:23 +0000 Read more →"How to Write a Personal Profile Essay (12 Tips)"

Everyone has a dream job. Either it is climbing up the cooperate ladder in a financial institution or pursuing a career path with the desire to be a successful CEO or Director. Whether you just got out of college, or you are already working towards your goal, securing a job would be a priority to you.

To get a job, you will need an outstanding CV or a great resumé, desirable skills, and in most cases, experience. the off chance that you have all these and whatever more that is required, you still must realize, there are a hundred people out there who have similar skills all gunning for that job you’re hoping to get. So, the big question remains, “what can I do to make my chances favorable?”.

What Is a Personal Profile?

If You are more familiar with CVs and the likes, you must have come across this term before. But if you’re writing your first CV, this might be new to you.

A personal profile (also called an executive statement or profile summary) is a short paragraph of two to five lines at the top of your CV or resumé. This summary is a short run-through of what your CV contains. It outlines who you are, your experiences and achievements, and what you can offer to the company, firm, or institution.

How To Write a Personal Profile Essay About Someone?

As said previously, your profile essay should contain things that will be in their CV. In writing the profile, certain parts must be present. These are:

  • Who they are
  • Experience (professional or educational)
  • Their career goals

Some experts debate against the idea of fresh graduates writing a profile essay on a person. The agreement implies that a graduate just out of college does not have sufficient experience to write about and thus will make his profile mundane or bland and uninteresting, therefore, leading to a waste of space and time.

Whether you’re a graduate or you have some experience, here are some ways to help you write a personal profile.

How To Write A Personal Profile Essay

  1. Be Concise: When writing a personal profile essay, it is advised to keep it concise. There is no need to attaching unnecessary and long sentences to explain or describe yourself. The ideal number of sentences should be between 2 and 4 but always try to make your profile as short as possible.
  2. Be Truthful: As you put down your profile, there is a tendency to exaggerate your skills or experience. This is wrong. Remember that your proposed employers will dig deep and find out more about you if they so find your CV interesting. It would be detrimental to you if it is discovered that you lied.
  3. Make It Professional: Remember this is a formal write-up with a professional aim. You must keep your profile professional. No jokes or stories or such.
  4. Make It Simple: In inputting your experience and skills, you must not add every interesting thing that comes to mind. Keep it short, filled with information that is profitable to the employers. This will catch their eyes much easier.
  5. Tailor Your Profile: do not use the same personal profile for all your job applications. Just like your cover letter, you cannot use a generic profile for all your applications. You have to write your profile according to the job description
  6. Use A Special Font and Format: Using a special font or format will make the profile easy to recognize on the resumé. Good fonts to use are Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Also, italicizing it will help.
  7. Do Not Overuse Keywords: Do not flood your profile with keywords when you’re trying to tailor your profile with the job description.
  8. Do Not Oversell Yourself: In writing about yourself, do not add unnecessary information such as your age, marital status, or home address. They already are in the CV; no need to include them there.
  9. Do Not Use Slang or Jargon: Again, in being professional, certain words are not appropriate. Slangs and jargon or out-of-context words will only make your profile look unserious and silly.
  10. Be Creative: Use creative means to show your reader what you’re trying to say. Allow them to relate to your story.
  11. Appeal To Their Emotions: If you can make them connect to you on an emotional level, then you’re on your way to achieving your goals.
  12. Know When to Stop: Yes, you should provide as many details as possible, but spewing facts without any emotional attachment will make you seem like a know-it-all. Nobody likes that.

When writing a personal profile essay, you’re not writing an autobiography. You want to provide just the right amount of information without going overboard.

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Exciting Free Profile Essay Example Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:20:54 +0000 Read more →"Exciting Free Profile Essay Example"

Profile essays are typically designed to provide as much information about a person, topic, or place as possible. Personal profile essays, as the name implies, seek to describe a person with enough relevant details.

Thorough research on examples of a profile essay on a person will reveal some crucial steps that must be followed to write the perfect essay. Profile essay examples on a person strictly adhere to these steps, and they are outlined below.

A Personal Profile Essay Example on a Person: Steps

Consider the following example of a profile on a person. The sample profile essay person will be Dr. Ben Carson.

Step 1: Set Up and Prepare for An Interview with Dr. Ben Carson

Before meeting with the person, have a list of possible questions. Personal profile examples often follow the pattern of “who, what, when, where and why”. The who (person), what (topic) , when (place and time), where (venue), and why (reason) are usually answered first. The question of appearance and conduct can come later.

More than a few personality profile essay examples will emphasize that you pay close attention to the person’s appearance and conduct.

Step 2: Delve into Research About the Person

Read about the individual’s achievements, extraordinary interests, etc. Knowing what trait to zero in on will help you during the meeting. However, be willing to learn new things about them.

Step 3: Draft an Outline

Your free layout of the interview exclusively depends on your article. Create three headings:

·  Introduction

Here, you’ll focus on the potential questions to ask during the interview.

Using the previously mentioned profile essay sample of Dr. Ben Carson, this segment could include a hint at his achievement, career, family, etc.

Be sure to open with a captivating line.

·  Body

Here, you’ll focus on and develop the points hinted at in the first segment. Ask questions about his story, his role models, etc. Try to get the scoop from his perspective and make each point a paragraph.

·  Conclusion

This is the second point I’d like to emphasize in this profile essay on a person example. The first is the introduction. Use your conclusion to conceptualize strong closure points.

Summarize your main points and provide a new angle where possible.

Step 4: Conduct the Interview in a Serene Place.

Establish a good rapport from the get-go. This will ease whatever tension there is, and make the interviewee feel great, which will produce a more useful meeting. Agree on the timeframe required, and ensure you get consent first if you want to record the meeting.

Step 5: Take Notes and Review Them

If there’s one thing this personal profile essay example should teach you, it’s that observational skills are important. Jot down points and observe nonverbal cues. Often, nonverbal cues are more resonating than verbal cues.

Watch out for signs of hesitation from your interviewee and rephrase or redirect the question. Otherwise, your interview may be cut short.

When you’re done, thank the person and end the meeting. Later, read through your points and listen to your recording to see if there were any points that you may have missed. Read your essay out loud and in front of someone so they can help you check for errors.

Example of Personality Profile Essay

In simple terms, a personality profile essay is one that describes a person’s professional qualifications. They are used to measure a person’s personality, education, as well as their personal, and professional background.

Personality profile essay examples are slightly different from profile essay examples on a person. Personality profile essays almost exclusively focus on the person’s professional life and their contribution to the workplace. On the other hand, a profile of a person essay example usually includes details outside the workplace. E.g., the person’s interests, character, etc.

Some common points that can be seen regardless of whether it is an example of personal profile essay are:

  1. Time is given to research. Going for an interview without researching is like going to work without clothes. It’s unthinkable.
  2. Observation is key. Pick up on verbal cues and use nonverbal cues to augment your findings. Watch the person in action.
  3. Be honest in your review. If you feel strongly about something, express it politically rather than rudely.
  4. Rein in the facts. You’ve done your research, so make subtle references while reading the room. You don’t want to come off as a stalker. Remember to stick to your outline.

Agreed, finding the perfect example personal profile essay can be a herculean task, but once you do, the pieces will all fall into place. Here is a sample you should check out:

My Mother the Survivor

Sometimes life takes you by surprise. An illness like cancer changes everything, it can even take a life. We were in El Paso, and the year was 2005. The seasons had just changed, summer turning into fall, the mornings turning crisp and the evenings cool, lots of sun in between. Life had been mostly the same as it always had been, the usual, school, family life, chores, each day filled with routine things that keep life on course. Then my mother got sick, eventually diagnosed with primary paritaeal carcinamatosis, and life as we knew it changed. She had not been feeling well, but no one ever thinks it’ll be cancer, and when she got the diagnosis I think we were more afraid than she was.

Mom was born in Massachusetts and lived a pretty normal life. She married my father when she was 32, a career army man. She was ready to travel around and be committed to being an army wife. The kids came and the responsibilities, too. She’s one of those people that carries stress so well. You’d never know from her disposition all the responsibilities and burdens she was carrying when we were small. She always handled it all so well. When she became ill, I think her spirit grew even stronger. She’s a person with character, someone that rises to meet challenges when they present themselves.

Cancer, it’s such a terrible word. It evokes so many images in a person’s mind, and those pictures are attached to a million different emotions. For me, the connotations were simple: diagnosis and symptoms and frailty and eventually death. I didn’t think there was much in between. But I was wrong. My mom was stronger than cancer and stronger than any of us around her. But the battle was long. We watched our mother’s body be pushed and pulled and injected and stretched as she underwent treatment.

Cancer’s effect on a person is very obvious. It literally eats away at you. This type of cancer affected her female organs and she was ill a lot. Often in her bed for days at a time. Sometimes I thought the treatment for the cancer was worse than the illness itself, but the doctors told me a disease like cancer took a really big weapon to conquer.

My mother. I learned a lot from her at this time. I always knew she had character, I always knew she was strong, and I always knew that she had a sunny outlook on life, but I didn’t know the depths of her soul. She’s a survivor. Not once but twice. It was almost like she made a conscious decision to not be defined by the disease and to most certainly not be eradicated by it.

She won her first battle and her recovery took a while but it was triumphant. We watched her get sick and then we watched her get even sicker from the treatment, and then we watcher her slowly regain her vitality, the color coming back to her cheeks as the spring put the leaves back on the trees. She never gave up, and she never stopped looking out for us, even when she was barely strong enough to keep her own head up.

After that we thought we could put the C word behind us, we thought that once you got it and beat it that it would never rear its ugly head again. We were wrong. In 2014 my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer, a hard and painful version of the disease, one that made her even sicker than before and required more extensive and intensive treatment.

My family was older and wiser; we’d already been through the journey before and weren’t surprised by the treatment. But this time was different – my mother’s body was older and weaker – and we were older, too, and a little more suspicious of the outcome. Could someone actually beat cancer twice?

My mother has taught me something about what it means to survive. It means so much more than seeking treatment for a disease, it’s a mindset. No, it’s even more than that. It’s a spiritual quality. When my mother was undergoing treatment a second time, getting injected with chemicals to kill the bad cells, her body was so sick, but something else about her stayed steady and strong. It was in her mind, it was in her soul: she would not lose this battle or any other. She is now in remission and is living a good and healthy life.

I think we learn the most about ourselves not when we are well and going about our usual life, but when life presents a challenge, especially one that could end it all for an individual. I don’t know that mom ever faltered. Even when we were sad or feeling uncertain about how things would end up, she never let it get to her. I don’t know what it was like for her in bed at night right before she drifted off to sleep, but when never saw real fear in her eyes. She never questioned her ability to survive a terrible disease, she was so committed to life, its essence, and to us. Her soul decided to survive and that’s just what she did. Not once but twice.


When writing a personal profile essay, try to hint at something that implies the talents or hidden charms of the person. This will keep your readers more interested in your content and endear them to the person.

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Writing a Profile Essay on a Place: Example Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:20:05 +0000 Read more →"Writing a Profile Essay on a Place: Example"

There are several formats to choose from when writing a profile essay. You could be asked to write:

  • a profile essay on a place,
  • a personal profile essay,
  • a personality profile essay,
  • an interview,
  • a profile essay on a particular topic.

If you’ve been asked to write a profile essay on a place, your first task has just been done for you. You could dive right into it by finding some profile essay examples on a place online, or you could stick around and learn the ropes.

Profile Essay on a Place: Example

Let’s say you were asked to write a profile essay describing “the best local restaurant you’ve ever visited”. The introduction must be something about the place that draws your readers in. Something along these lines:

“I assure you, you are missing out on the best culinary service if you haven’t tried (insert restaurant name)”.

From there, you can build on and maybe mention a dish you tried, and how you loved it.

If the place has a history that you know, include it in your description. The description can provide you with ideas for the second paragraph of your essay.

Typically, all that profile essay examples on a place require from you are as many details about a place as you can provide. Just make sure that you provide facts that have been verified as credible.

Some tips will become apparent to you the more you review a profile essay on a place example. Be sure to apply these tips the next time you’re asked to write a profile of a place essay.

Tips to Remember When Writing a Profile Essay on a Place.

  1. Engagement and Information Are the Main Goals

For any kind of profile essay, your description should be organized in a way that allows your readers to connect easily with your topic. When your readers connect with your topic, they’ll want to stick around and know what you want to say. Your essay will come off as bland if readers cannot connect with your content.

If you went there on a special day and the staff made it more memorable, mention it. Talk about the customer reception you received. Describe the efficiency of the staff and add reasons why you’d recommend the place to anyone else.

In summary, use the simple aspects of your visit to craft a tale, no matter how complex, and keep your readers in the loop.

  1. Make Your Descriptions as Vivid as Possible

One surefire way to keep your readers hooked on your content is to connect with them on an emotional level. Describe tastes and smells using words and things they can relate to easily. Describe the setting by painting a vivid picture using colors and feelings evoked.

In your description of happenings and other factors, try to not go overboard. Use your descriptions to portray any underlying charm or appeal the place possesses. Say something like:

“The chicken stew tastes just like my grandma used to make, and it made me long for the warmth of my home.”

Not only will this make your readers remember the warmth, but they’ll also want a taste of the nostalgia for themselves.

  1. Convey an Expert Impression Backed by Your Research

The fact is that using a dominant, confident tone when conveying a message will attract attention even if the information is wrong. When you’re sure that the information you’re providing is factual and credible, use a dominant tone.

Use your words in such a way that your readers can easily pick up on your assertiveness and follow your theme. Since it’s a concept that you experienced firsthand, you’ll be chock full of ideas on what to write.

  1. Leave a Compelling Conclusion

If you’re trying to describe a place so people can visit it, conclude with a call to action. Provide a summary of the main points you explained and encourage your readers to try it out.

If you’re writing solely to inform, conclude with a theme that keeps your readers “in the feels”.

Employ a “save the best for last” method, or add something memorable at the end of your essay, something along these lines:

“For the kind of customer service and satisfaction it brought me to be there, I can boldly say I’ve found a home away from home.”

  1. Crosscheck and Proofread

Even though you’re sure you’ve covered all the bases, it wouldn’t hurt for you to be double sure of yourself. Read through it at least two times and make the necessary corrections to your work.

Another example of a profile essay on a place:

Closing of Procter & Gamble in Augusta

The recent announcement that Proctor & Gamble will be closing their premises in Augusta, Georgia factory in the coming 18 months or so has sent a shudder of fear and desperation among its long serving employees.

This consideration is seen as a broader strategy by the directors to attempt to consolidate North American manufacturing and distribution channels. The move as revealed would bear a tremendous impact among the esteemed approximately 190 employees comprising 40 with P&G and the rest as contractors. However, in a desperate measure to quell the dissenting opinions among the employees, the consumer products giant pledges to provide new positions to P&G staff who have the will to relocate elsewhere and pay severance to those that might not be tempted to relocate due to unavoidable circumstances. Workers were offered the alternative to either relocate to a different factory or accept severance packages and early retirement.

The Augusta plant engenders small items for P&G’S fabric care commercial enterprise for instance Bounce bars. Recently, the company has been involved in a series of meetings held by high profile personnel of the company headquarters in a bid to review the factory’s footprint. This has taken place for quite some time more than a year and hence the initiation of plans to close some of the factory’s facilities due to preference of larger ones that will be upgraded to engender the desired multiple product lines in contrast to just producing detergents and beauty products.  Basically this is a strategic tactical position embraced by the company heads.

At the beginning of 2014, the company operated approximately three dozen North American plants. The closure of the Augusta plant coupled with closure of the Duracell will bring down the count below 27. Other than this, the company is also reviewing its network of nearly 35 distribution centers for consolidation too. As at now it is in the process of establishing six new, well equipped distribution centers within US.   This is actually not the first time that the company has opted to cut jobs. In late November 2012, the company did cut nearly 150 jobs from the Augusta plant. During that period, that represented nearly 75% of the plant’s employees. Just as in the recent case, the staff then was offered the option to either relocate to a different plant or acknowledge their fate by accepting severance packages and early retirement.

P&G was not known to be a good employer. In fact most of the employees at the Augusta plant sought the company as a last resort. Moreover, majority of them were from less privileged backgrounds with poor education thus less informed. Some of the workers then thought that P&G was a good employer though they still opted to quit the hard work and move on with their lives. One of the employees Wilber Owens remembers how they used to unload rail cars of raw materials and for the better part of the day; they remained drenched in sweat and powdery stuff. “It was tiring and felt like having snot all over your body. I felt like quitting the job every passing day but the fear of not getting something that could match my current earnings in Augusta engulfed me hence decided to stay.”

In conclusion, P&G closure of the plant in Augusta will definitely affect its local employees especially those who cannot relocate. Seems like most of its workers were not paid sufficiently thus the paranoia of surviving on the brink of despair when their wage rate finally falls to zero.


An ideal profile essay example on a place uses facts, figures, and history about a place to tell a story. Creatively interweave your imaginative constructs when writing your essay.

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Handy Tips: How to Write a Profile Essay Fri, 20 Aug 2021 08:18:33 +0000 Read more →"Handy Tips: How to Write a Profile Essay"

When it comes to writing a profile essay, it’s completely understandable that people face the bully called writer’s block. Not to worry, you can solve the problem as there are countless profile essay outline articles to teach you how to write a profile essay. Even with these examples, you may still face a loss for words when trying to figure out how to start a profile essay.

To start the process, find a suitable profile essay outline example or a profile essay outline template like your topic. You could even get help on how to write a profile essay outline. Read on to get tips on how to write a good profile essay.

How To Write a Profile Essay?

When writing profile essays, you need an outline. These three points will help you put together the perfect profile essay outline. Even though it is a perfect profile essay format, the same rule goes for any other form of continuous writing. They are:

  • The introduction
  • The body
  • The conclusion

Tip #1: The Profile Essay Introduction

For any essay, the introduction has to be as compelling as possible to keep your readers interested. This means taking time to brainstorm creative ways to draw them in and make them continue reading.

For example, a good profile essay example would be on “a historical cultural site near you”; good profile essay introduction examples are:

“Tourism is one of the main sectors of any nation’s economy, and there’s never a lack of tourists at so and so place…”

“They say in order to know where you’re headed, you need to know your roots, and so and so place holds enough history for everyone connected…”

Whatever approach you choose, once you’ve surmounted how to start a profile essay, you’re ready for the next step.

Tip #2: The Body

When writing the body of any essay, one can decide to present the paragraphs in chronological or thematic order. For example, if you’re listing the achievements of a notable person, adopt the chronological sequence. Start at the beginning of their career and allow other events to follow in the same order.

Whatever profile essay writing topic you’re writing on, be sure to do your research properly. After you’ve done your research and organized them into paragraphs, try to immerse yourself in it. That way, you’ll be okay with writing on any topic, whether you had previous knowledge about the topic.

As much as you can, try to keep your paragraphs as straightforward and as error-free as possible. Also, try to adhere to a format of 150 words per paragraph.

If you’re interviewing somebody, the kind of questions to ask for a profile essay should be questions that aid your quest. If you phrase them correctly you can get valuable material to develop your essay.

Tip #3: The Conclusion

The final milestone to overcome would be how to end a profile essay without losing steam or going off tangent. The best bet would be to use an expert tone when writing. Avoid overusing passive words and stick to the correct point of view that suits your essay.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing your aforementioned points. Keep it short and easy to understand.

Now that you know how to write a profile essay, take time to practice. Find sites that provide writing profile essay examples.

How To Write A Profile Essay (Example)

 1. Is Traditional Schooling Better Than Homeschooling?

  • Here, you could start by stating facts about schooling and education and stick to a thematic approach. Statistics, of course, should be listed chronologically.
  • Choose a side before you start to write. That way, you’ll know what side to argue for or against as you write.

 2. How Has Any Famous Star Influenced Your Choice of Career?

  • You could open with your opinion of an outstanding character the person possesses.
  • Then, you can talk a little about their career and how they inspired you.
  • If they have a success story, you’d like the world to hear, go ahead and add it.

 3. What Character from a Movie Wouldn’t You Forget in a Hurry, and Why?

Start with a hook as to why the character stuck with you, including a thing or two about the title.

 4. What’s a Historical Event You Witnessed and Would Love to Witness Again?

Begin by talking about the particular thing about the event that fascinates you and keep writing.


Profile essays do more than describe your topic to your reader. They can help you find out more about your topic on an in-depth level through your research. So, you will be educating yourself and your readers at the same time. Also, as you write, it becomes easier for you to answer possible questions your readers might have about the topic.

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101 Fresh and Interesting Profile Essay Topics Tue, 20 Jul 2021 08:30:33 +0000 Read more →"101 Fresh and Interesting Profile Essay Topics"

Finding the right profile essay topics is perhaps the most important aspect of writing a profile essay. Seamless profile writing ideas come when, as a writer, you constantly draw inspiration from your topic. This means constantly conducting guided research on as many good profile essay topics you can find.

Whether you’re a college level student or a high school student, the Internet is replete with good profile essay topic ideas for you. You just need the right keywords, something that you should emphasize on in your essays.

To guide you on your research, you need to have at least two good profile essay topics to choose from. If you don’t already have profile essay topics, we’ve included some topics to write a profile essay on.

Good Topics to Write a Profile Essay On

The following topics are guaranteed to give you a steady flow of profile essay ideas, so read on.

  1. Patriotism and what it means to you.
  2. The events that led to the Great Depression.
  3. Christopher Columbus: a hero or a villain.
  4. Isaac Newton and his love for thermodynamics.
  5. The water-diamond paradox.
  6. The law of diminishing returns.
  7. A day that changed the course of your life.
  8. A day that changed the course of your career.
  9. Calamity Jane: was it more than just a story?
  10. The impact of drug abuse on the brain.
  11. The psychology of addiction.
  12. Factors that precipitate the development of addictive traits.
  13. The role of familial support in overcoming an addiction.
  14. Developmental psychology.
  15. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory.
  16. The humanistic approach to developmental psychology.
  17. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs.
  18. A closer look at Erik Erikson’s stages of development.
  19. The feasibility of constructing a Utopian society.
  20. The causes of inflation.
  21. The demand and supply chain.
  22. A day where you met someone famous.
  23. Insight into the Life of Adolph Hitler
  24. Role Models and why they inspire you
  25. Dog’s as Man’s Most Loyal companion
  26. The Joining of Violence and Attachment: A study of Hannibal Lecter
  27. Communication between Birds
  28. Egyptian Origins: How it appeared and the mystery surrounding it
  29. Facebook Orientation for new users
  30. Story Behind France: Why it is the Most Romantic Country
  31. What Should a Father Figure Be?
  32. Why specific Chocolates stand out
  33. People who join law enforcement
  34. Why people become nurses
  35. How people create Racial profiles
  36. Why Halloween is a beloved holiday
  37. Serial Rapists: The Reason Behind the Violence
  38. Embodiments of Empathy and Rationality
  39. Causes of Volatile Temperaments
  40. Surgeon Personality types
  41. Into the Life of History’s Psychopaths
  42. Features and Observations of Friends and family
  43. Facts and Fable: A study of Queen Victoria
  44. Students Who choose Astrology as a major
  45. Basketball Coaches and their impact on teams
  46. Haiti: Background, Aid and Future prospects
  47. Richest Women in the world
  48. Cold cases left unsolved
  49. Why Germany has War Museums
  50. The least remembered Landmarks in history
  51. People’s Obsessions and Why they have them
  52. Personal Interviews with Local nurses
  53. Profile of drug addicts and people most likely to become addicts
  54. An in-depth study of COVID-19 and its variants
  55. Why women get breast implants
  56. Past Presidents of America and their contributions
  57. Wedding traditions that haven’t changed
  58. Profile from a popular TV Show Actor
  59. Babies born with birthmarks
  60. Dolce and Gabbana’s success story
  61. Actors that took their roles too far and paid dearly for it
  62. How Preferential treatment can shape a child and their perceptions as they grow
  63. Some orreversoble Dangers of Religious Fanaticism
  64. Social Deviants: the economic importance of delinquents and deviants
  65. How Fish Think
  66. The Mind of Sailors: Why they love the sea
  67. Considering things from different places and understanding how Slavery was Abolished
  68. Why Children play with Sand
  69. Horror Stories: The great minds behind them
  70. Ethical concerns and objections in the development of embryonic stem cell transplanting
  71. CRISPR: its origins, the journey so far, and what the future holds for it
  72. Environmental-friendly replacement for plastic materials around the house
  73. The adverse effects of plastic waste on the environment and the globe at large
  74. Understanding the universe and the galaxies beyond ours
  75. Some easy, effective physiological hacks to use on the male gender
  76. The birth of musics and it’s development across multiple cultures
  77. The effects of superhero movies on the mindset of an average American teenagers and youths
  78. Some outstanding lost treasures from ancient Greece
  79. How to successfully change ones mindset from self doubt to self love
  80. Solace and Equinox: A general understanding of the global phenomenon from different points on the globe
  81. The wonderful world of microbes and microscopic organisms right under our noses
  82. Some worthy causes to argue for as an advocate
  83. Social media and the social implication of virtual socialization amongst youths
  84. Some tips and ways to help increase the acceptance of technology amongst elderly people
  85. Some tips to helping someone navigate through life and achieve their dreams against all odds
  86. Some wonderful unknown facts about trees
  87. The growth and advancement in technology along the last 100 years
  88. Some safe, simple and super fun tricks to perform at a children’s party.
  89. Some healthy ways to handle or cope with heart break
  90. How to survive a zombie apocalypse
  91. Colour combination and it’s use in psychology and therapy.
  92. Some ways and means to apply to curb a city wide increase in crime rate
  93. The non-predatorial adaptation of house hold pets.
  94. Interesting animals to look out for when on a vacation in Kenya
  95. The full extent of poaching and the animals that have gone extinct from poaching
  96. Some remarkable court cases that changed the legal system
  97. Unsanctioned experiments performed on prisoners of war
  98. How to make comedy skits way more fun
  99. The worlds beyond and before. Understanding life and death
  100. The difference and similarities between Resurrection and Reincarnation
  101. The origin of the game of champions: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Bonus Topics:

  1. The role of mobile games as a strategy to help tackle societal problems
  2. A normal day in the life of an astronaut
  3. How to create a self sufficient ecosystem
  4. The origins of punctuation points in the English language
  5. How to preserve history in the event of a nuclear Holocaust
  6. How capitalism and socialism have ruined the world.
  7. Law enforcement practices to safe guard your community
  8. Financial decisions to navigate through adulthood
  9. Baby steps: a guide to parenting
  10. How not to fall for internet scams.


As promised, 101 interesting profile essay topics (and some bonus questions) for you to choose from that would surely help you hone in your focus. Without a doubt, the above topics are guaranteed to help you explore your writing prowess. Feel free to modify any topic as you see fit.

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Free Profile Essay Example Tue, 20 Jul 2021 08:30:11 +0000 Read more →"Free Profile Essay Example"

Profile essays are remarkable for providing an accurate and in-depth description of a topic. Before putting pen to paper and writing, you must first understand the requirements thoroughly. Before anything else, profile essays are about narration descriptions, so be prepared to do a lot of research.

Even with all your research, you need creativity to use those facts and figures to tell a story. Imagination is key when it comes to creative writing, and what are profile essays if not imaginative?

When you’re sure you’ve covered all the bases, go ahead and look for a sample profile essay online to work with on your project. Once you find a good enough sample of a profile essay, learn as much as you can about it.

Also find profile essay examples for college (if that’s where you are), and practice. Chances are that a regular profile essay sample is simpler than an example of a profile essay that abounds.

What Is A Profile Essay (Examples)

A profile essay is simply a detailed description of a topic or about a person. The goal of a profile essay, no matter what the topic is, is to provide an in-depth description or analysis of the topic.

Writing the perfect profile essay is both complex and surmountable. It’s complex when you’re not sure where to start, but once you’ve surmounted that milestone, what comes after is a breeze.

To give you an idea of how a good profile essay should look like, we provide an example:

Profile Essay

The world of gaming is full of different options. Over the last two decades, games have changed significantly, with new companies identifying the exact reasons why consumers purchase their games.

Many years ago, single-player games were the rage, as players would get into the story of a game and engross themselves in trying to defeat the game on an existential level. Things changed when games started to go to multi-player mode. This was true even before the Internet provided the option of playing multi-player games with people all around the world, but since Xbox Live and other live iterations have come about, multi-player has become even more important. While some argue that multi-player is about to put single player games out of business, there appears to still be some room in the gaming industry for both of these options. In fact, there are still players who prefer one or the other, and there are still some players who prefer to play both modes at different times for different needs. There are fundamental differences between the two games that make them both necessary to the world of video games today.

In speaking to a person who has played both styles of games, I learned a number of important things about the differences between single player games and multi-player games. “Single player games allow you to really get into the gameplay and identify yourself with the lead character of the story,” the expert said. “With multi-player games, players are looking for something a little bit different. They are looking for the opportunity to share excitement and competition with friends, whether those are friends they have met online or friends they already knew before playing in the game.” The fundamental difference between the two, it seems, is the entire point of the gameplay itself. With single player games, the focus is on the game story. Whether it is something like the old James Bond games or the slightly newer Halo games, the goal of the single player game is to complete the story. In my interviews and interactions with people who know these games best, I learned that it is about more than just completing missions. Rather, the player becomes a part of the story, getting to know every little detail in hopes of truly leading out some sort of fantasy.

In multi-player games, the goal of the players is much different. The story is incidental to what is going on in real life between different players, who can sometimes form teams. On the surface, it feels as if these two modes are somewhat similar. For instance, a player playing Call of Duty in multi-player mode is playing on the same maps he might have played on in single player mode. He is still controlling a soldier from World War II and navigating with guns from that time period. He is still going into older buildings in Europe and trying to kill enemy soldiers. The similarities stop there, though, as multi-player games are much more about the interplay between all of the relevant people playing the game. Whether players are in the same room, playing on a split-screen setup, or they are connected through the Internet, there is significant communication between the parties. The Internet and the modern gaming consoles have made this much easier to pull off. All of a sudden, players are capable of talking to one another, giving one another directions, and celebrating the little wins. This is a totally different dynamic which takes the focus off of the game story itself and shifts it to the skill and teamwork of the individual players.

As some have pointed out, single player games tend to have longer time frames. Players will sometimes play for hours on end because the game leads a player to a new level or mode each time they complete something else. It is like going through a book. After every chapter, a player is invited into a new chapter in order to start something new. This allows for people to spend hours in isolation, playing over and over again until they get to the end of the game. There is a definitive start and finish, however, which is a critical part of the single player game mode. It is like a story arc where a person navigates from the beginning and finishes up. Multi-player provides something much different, however. In a multi-player game setting, the games tend to be much quicker. They play for 20 or 30 minutes at a time. Sometimes the game play is even shorter than that. Each time, the game ends and the players start a new game, sometimes changing the rules and even changing teams. Everything is a little bit different, and there are lots of different small stories. Just as the single player mode is like reading a book, playing in multi-player mode is like watching many different television shows one after another. There is no story arc, but rather, short bursts of excitement that are loosely related.

Video games have changed significantly over the course of time. The old games had less versatility. Today, there are multiple modes to provide something different for each person. Single player games are involved and all about the game play. Multi-player games are all about excitement, competition, and playing together with friends and enemies. These two modes are quite different, but they combine to create a video gaming reality that suits all players in some way.

Profile Essay Examples

Below is a list of some profile essay examples that can help hone your focus and get you started.

  1. A one-on-one interview describing an interviewee.
  2. A profile essay on a start-up diner somewhere near you.
  3. A profile essay on a treasured cultural site in your country.
  4. A profile essay on a historical figure that relates to your course of study.
  5. A profile essay describing how pottery is made.
  6. A description of the different types of soil based on texture and appearance.
  7. A description of the structure of a kitchen cabinet.
  8. An explanation of how a refrigerator functions.
  9. A description of the dynamics between you and your pet.
  10. A description of the workings of a music studio.
  11. A description of what your perfect birthday gift would be.
  12. A description of the structural setup of a farmhouse you know about.
  13. A description of an accident that happened to you or a loved one.
  14. A description of how the digestive system functions.
  15. A description of the different states of water.
  16. A description of how a sports pioneer has influenced your choice of sport.
  17. Describe how puberty can cause a person’s attitude to change drastically.
  18. Describe an instance where you stood up to a bully, and what the outcome was.
  19. Narrate the conditions necessary for water to change states, and state the properties.
  20. Describe your favorite sport, and how you came to love the sport.
  21. Supposing you had the chance of spending a whole day with someone famous, describe how you’d spend the day.
  22. Describe your favorite food, and how to prepare it.
  23. Provide a description of how taste buds work.
  24. Study the politics of your country, and explain how you would effect change in any chosen area.
  25. Describe a political leader whom you would re-elect, should the opportunity present itself.
  26. Describe the water cycle.
  27. Explain how the oxygen cycle supports life on Earth.
  28. Describe the structure and function of the ozone layer.
  29. Describe your favorite subject, and explain why you like it.
  30. Describe the roles of each member of the family.
  31. Highlight the principles of starting up a non-profit organization.
  32. Examine and describe how much your behavior has changed since you began a new academic session.
  33. Describe your favorite season of the year, and explain why you love that season.
  34. Describe a movie scene that used to disturb you as a child, and try to explain why.
  35. Describe a mobile phone feature you value over all else, and why.

When trying to find a good profile essay example or suitable profile essay samples, pay attention to your use of keywords. Be sure to limit your searches to keywords that include “examples of a profile essay”, or “example of a profile essay”.

Round Up

Profile essays can be interesting to write about. It all depends on choosing the right topic and doing a lot of research. Include interesting details and learn from example profile essay topics online. Background work will make you sound like an expert, and make people want to read what you have written. Notice how profile writing examples use seamless transitions and try to replicate that. Conclude with a summary that evokes a certain type of emotional response in your readers.

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