Handy Tips: How to Write a Profile Essay

When it comes to writing a profile essay, it’s completely understandable that people face the bully called writer’s block. Not to worry, you can solve the problem as there are countless profile essay outline articles to teach you how to write a profile essay. Even with these examples, you may still face a loss for words when trying to figure out how to start a profile essay.

To start the process, find a suitable profile essay outline example or a profile essay outline template like your topic. You could even get help on how to write a profile essay outline. Read on to get tips on how to write a good profile essay.

How To Write a Profile Essay?

When writing profile essays, you need an outline. These three points will help you put together the perfect profile essay outline. Even though it is a perfect profile essay format, the same rule goes for any other form of continuous writing. They are:

  • The introduction
  • The body
  • The conclusion

Tip #1: The Profile Essay Introduction

For any essay, the introduction has to be as compelling as possible to keep your readers interested. This means taking time to brainstorm creative ways to draw them in and make them continue reading.

For example, a good profile essay example would be on “a historical cultural site near you”; good profile essay introduction examples are:

“Tourism is one of the main sectors of any nation’s economy, and there’s never a lack of tourists at so and so place…”

“They say in order to know where you’re headed, you need to know your roots, and so and so place holds enough history for everyone connected…”

Whatever approach you choose, once you’ve surmounted how to start a profile essay, you’re ready for the next step.

Tip #2: The Body

When writing the body of any essay, one can decide to present the paragraphs in chronological or thematic order. For example, if you’re listing the achievements of a notable person, adopt the chronological sequence. Start at the beginning of their career and allow other events to follow in the same order.

Whatever profile essay writing topic you’re writing on, be sure to do your research properly. After you’ve done your research and organized them into paragraphs, try to immerse yourself in it. That way, you’ll be okay with writing on any topic, whether you had previous knowledge about the topic.

As much as you can, try to keep your paragraphs as straightforward and as error-free as possible. Also, try to adhere to a format of 150 words per paragraph.

If you’re interviewing somebody, the kind of questions to ask for a profile essay should be questions that aid your quest. If you phrase them correctly you can get valuable material to develop your essay.

Tip #3: The Conclusion

The final milestone to overcome would be how to end a profile essay without losing steam or going off tangent. The best bet would be to use an expert tone when writing. Avoid overusing passive words and stick to the correct point of view that suits your essay.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing your aforementioned points. Keep it short and easy to understand.

Now that you know how to write a profile essay, take time to practice. Find sites that provide writing profile essay examples.

How To Write A Profile Essay (Example)

 1. Is Traditional Schooling Better Than Homeschooling?

  • Here, you could start by stating facts about schooling and education and stick to a thematic approach. Statistics, of course, should be listed chronologically.
  • Choose a side before you start to write. That way, you’ll know what side to argue for or against as you write.

 2. How Has Any Famous Star Influenced Your Choice of Career?

  • You could open with your opinion of an outstanding character the person possesses.
  • Then, you can talk a little about their career and how they inspired you.
  • If they have a success story, you’d like the world to hear, go ahead and add it.

 3. What Character from a Movie Wouldn’t You Forget in a Hurry, and Why?

Start with a hook as to why the character stuck with you, including a thing or two about the title.

 4. What’s a Historical Event You Witnessed and Would Love to Witness Again?

Begin by talking about the particular thing about the event that fascinates you and keep writing.


Profile essays do more than describe your topic to your reader. They can help you find out more about your topic on an in-depth level through your research. So, you will be educating yourself and your readers at the same time. Also, as you write, it becomes easier for you to answer possible questions your readers might have about the topic.

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